Ethics: As a researcher, you must show that you looked at your study ethically and identified an area that may be of concern to my participants or the research community. To be ethically correct, in a paragraph you:
Identifying the what the Ethical issue is,
Identifying which one of the 5 tools you will use to correct it,
Explaining how you will use the tool to make sure that the Ethical Issue is not a problem in your study.
Validity: As a researcher, you reviewed your study to ensure that it is Valid. You realize that there are potential threats that could effect the Validity of the study. In a paragraph, you:
Identify, define, and explain whether the Validity Threat is Internal or External,
Explain how the threat may effect your study,
Identify which of the 8 strategies you will use to address the Validity Threat,
Discuss your plan to address the Validity Threat.
Collection Tools: The Collection Tools are simply the thing that you will use to collect the data/information from the participants in your study. It could be a face to face interview, an internet survey, a mailed questionnaire, a telephone interview, or even a forum or panel discussion. Data Analysis consists of analyzing the data that you have recovered from the participants and determining or calculating the results.
In a paragraph, identify the Collection Tool you will use to collect data in your study. Explain why you chose the Collection Tool.
Data Analysis: How will analyze the data in your study.
If using a Qualitative Approach, include a Coding Example from one of the Research Questions.
If using a Quantitative Approach, identify and include the statement: “Statistical Analysis will be used to determine the mean, range, and standard deviation.”
If using Mixed Methods, include a Coding example and the statement above.

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