WK1 SQ3R Reading Method
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Objective: Examine the SQ3R Reading Method.
Reading comprehension is a basic requirement for all students at OCU. No matter what your course, you will do reading that relies on your comprehension and retention of information. The SQ3R process moves you from a causal scan of a text to a deeper understanding of the important principles you must know and apply. This week we are concentrating on the 1st two areas: Survey and Questions.
Read pp. 9-16 in your ITW textbook.
As you read, use the Survey and Question strategies provided in the SQ3R guide.
If some of the terms and concepts introduced in this section are new or confusing, you are not alone. Any discussion that introduces reading and writing through the lens of Christianity is likely to use terms that require additional effort to clearly understand.
On pp. 15-16 of the text, the authors discuss advertising. They suggest that “. . . the art of advertising uses rhetoric to package a product in such a way that the consumer’s rational awareness is bypassed, and the subconscious world of desires and wishes is stimulated” (p. 15).
Their comments imply that ethical boundaries are often blurred or disregarded when the quality or purpose of a product is advertised.
Draft a one-paragraph response (50 words) as follows:
Describe a product or service you have purchased in the past that was unfairly or intentionally advertised differently than what you received.
Note that your WK1 Discussion is all about SQR3 so complete this assignment early so you are better prepared to craft your initial post by its due date of Day 4.
Before you submit your response, use the “Spelling and Grammar” feature found under the “Tools” heading in MSWord to review your sentence structure and spelling.
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