It is final paper, I will write title page by my own
Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, double spaced, 1” margin on all sides
Use an APA style TITLE page. Purdue University has an excellent guide for creating an APA style title page, plus everything you need to know about in-text citations and reference.
References must be on a separate page.
Papers must have about 4 pages of content, plus one title page, and one reference page (a total of 6 pages all together).
Good professional writing should NOT use contractions (e.g. no it’s, say it is).
When writing, avoid conversational language (e.g. “I will try and convince you that …”, “If you do the crime you should do the time”) and instead use language appropriate to written expression (e.g., “I will try to convince you that …”, “If one commits a crime one should be receive the appropriate sentence as punishment”).
Start with a strong first paragraph – in fact a STRONG FIRST SENTENCE – this sets the standard for the reader and you as the writer. Make sure you first paragraph and sentence draws your reader’s attention. This is your hook.
Organize your thoughts into coherent paragraphs. Make sure you develop your ideas well. Definitely write a draft for your paper before you actually start writing detailed paragraphs.
Document ALL use of other source thoughts and quotes – EVEN IF YOU paraphrase the idea. ANY idea or words that are not your own should be cited.
You may not have more than one direct quote. And it shouldn’t be longer than 2 lines!
Stick to the topic — although you may find something very interesting that is somewhat related to the topic, you should stick to the proposition you have selected. Part of good writing is knowing both what to include and what to leave out.
End with a strong concluding paragraph. Leave your reader with a “bang” or summarize your argument well.
PROOFREAD, look for typos, use the spellchecker, read aloud, have someone other than you read it.
In between 12 hours
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