Podcast Homework Assignment
For this assignment you will need to listen, watch or read one of the podcasts below and write a
reflection based on the material presented. Your assignment should not be a summary and instead focus
on what you think. Some questions to consider would be the following (did you enjoy the podcast?
Why? Or why not? does the material presented have connections to your life?, what other information
can you find related to these topics?,etc.). Your assignment should be at least 250 words.
For extra credit, listen/watch/read an additional podcast/video/article and write another summary.
1. Inheritance
This podcast is about nature vs. nurture. It has 3 parts (leaving your lamarck, you are what your grandpa
eats, what if there was no destiny). You must listen to and comment on all of the segments in order to
receive full credit
2. Guts
This podcast is about your guts specifically about your digestive tract and is one of my favorites. It has 3
parts (“holey cow”, “gut feelings”, ‘
“gutless”). You must listen to and comment on all of the segments in
order to receive full credit
3. Famous Tumors
This podcast is about cancer and the good, bad and ugly of tumors. It has 3 parts (“devil tumors”,
“Henrietta’s tumor”). You must listen to and comment on all of the segments in order to receive
full credit.
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