You are to select one area of focus – historical trauma, racial microaggressions, or
immigration. In your paper, you are to discuss your topic of choice (provide some
background information that helps the reader understand the meaning of the term and what
it describes), its impact upon a population of your choice, and include contemporary
examples or manifestations of the phenomenon. In the final part of your paper, you are to
discuss the implications of the issue for the human services profession as it relates to one of the areas discussed in your Field Education assignment and what, as a human service
professional of your choice, the effects of the issue might be addressed.
To help with this assignment you have been provided helpful resources that relate to each topic/ area. You must use at least three of the sources provided and at least two of your own
choosing that must be included in your reference section.
should write a 4-page paper. Strict adherence to APA style is required.
Cover page
Four-page paper
Properly formatted references
Please read each area carefully before doing
Historical Trauma
• What is historical trauma? Please be as detailed as possible and site your sources for defining
the term. Note: You may include in your discussion historical trauma as in relates to the any groups
of people you chose or several groups of people.
• What are some manifestations of historical trauma evident in the groups of people you chose or several groups of people?
• Give historical examples of events that have taken place that may have produced historical
• In the final part of your paper, discuss the implications of the historical trauma for the human
services profession as it relates to one of the areas discussed in your Field Education assignment
and how, as a human service professional of your choice, the effects of the issue might be
Brave Heart, M. Y. H., Chase, J., Elkins, J., & Altschul, D. B. (2011). Historical trauma among indigenous peoples of the Americas: Concepts, research, and clinical considerations. Journal of psychoactive drugs, 43(4), 282-290. Retrieved from
Brown-Rice, K. (2013). Examining the Theory of Historical Trauma Among Native Americans. Professional Counselor, 3(3). Retrieved from
Fast, E., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2019). Historical trauma, race-based trauma, and resilience of indigenous peoples: A literature review. First Peoples Child & Family Review, 14(1), 166-181. Retrieved from
Kirmayer, L. J., Gone, J. P., & Moses, J. (2014). Rethinking historical trauma. Transcultural psychiatry, 51(3), 299-319. Retrieved from
Mohatt, N. V., Thompson, A. B., Thai, N. D., & Tebes, J. K. (2014). Historical trauma as public narrative: A conceptual review of how history impacts present-day health. Social Science & Medicine, 106, 128-136.Retrieved from
Ortega-Williams, A., Beltrán, R., Schultz, K., Ru-Glo Henderson, Z., Colón, L., & Teyra, C. (2021). An integrated historical trauma and posttraumatic growth framework: A cross-cultural exploration. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 22(2), 220-240. Retrieved from
Sotero, M. (2006). A conceptual model of historical trauma: Implications for public health practice and research. Journal of health disparities research and practice, 1(1), 93-108. Retrieved from
Related to the manifestations of historical trauma.
Hooker, D., & Czajkowski, A. (2013). Transforming historical harms. Coming to the Table: Eastern Mennonite University Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. Retrieved from
Examples of historical events at the root of historical trauma
Martinez, M. J., & Kawam, E. (2018). Historical trauma and social work: What you need to know. The New Social Worker, 15-16. Retrieved from
Microaggressions [(Racial/ Gender/ Women/ LGBTQ). You do not have to write about each of these
• What are microaggressions? Please be as detailed as possible and site your sources for defining the term.
• What are some examples microaggressions (you can give examples of racial microaggressions, microaggressions that take place in the classroom, among women, LGBT persons, those with disabilities, religious minorities, or any toward any group you chose)?
• You may share examples of microaggressions that you have been the targeted of or of impacted individual you know of. You also discuss situations when you were the responsible party, that is, the person or within a group of people that manifested a Microaggression towards another individual or group.
• In the final part of your paper, discuss the implications of microaggressions for the human services profession and how, as a human service professional of your choice, the effects of the issue might be addressed.
Olkin, R., Hayward, H. S., Abbene, M. S., & VanHeel, G. (2019). The experiences of microaggressions against women with visible and invisible disabilities. Journal of Social Issues, 75(3), 757-785. Retrieved from
Solorzano, D., Ceja, M., & Yosso, T. (2000). Critical race theory, racial microaggressions, and campus racial climate: The experiences of African American college students. Journal of Negro education, 60-73. Retrieved from
Sterzing, P. R., Gartner, R. E., Woodford, M. R., & Fisher, C. M. (2017). Sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity microaggressions: Toward an intersectional framework for social work research. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 26(1-2), 81-94. Retrieved from
Sue, D. W., Capodilupo, C. M., Torino, G. C., Bucceri, J. M., Holder, A., Nadal, K. L., & Esquilin, M. (2007). Racial microaggressions in everyday life: implications for clinical practice. American psychologist, 62(4), 271. Retrieved from
Sue, D. W., Capodilupo, C. M., Torino, G. C., Bucceri, J. M., Holder, A., Nadal, K. L., & Esquilin, M. (2007). Racial microaggressions in everyday life: implications for clinical practice. American psychologist, 62(4), 271. Retrieved from
Williams, M. T. (2020). Microaggressions: Clarification, evidence, and impact. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(1), 3-26. Retrieved from
Yosso, T. J. (2005). Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth. Race ethnicity and education, 8(1), 69-91. Retrieved from
Examples of microaggressions
Firmin, R. L., Mao, S., Bellamy, C. D., & Davidson, L. (2019). Peer support specialists’ experiences of microaggressions. Psychological services, 16(3), 456. Retrieved from
• Describe how the system of immigration can be oppressive to vulnerable groups of people, and act differently for privileged groups.
• What other systems work in connection with the immigration system? How do these systems ameliorate or exacerbate the oppressive nature of the immigration system?
• Many children have been and continue to be removed from their caregivers. Describe the historical context of this practice in the United States?
• In the final part of your paper, discuss the implications of immigration for the human services profession as it relates to one of the areas discussed in your Field Education assignment and how, as a human service professional of your choice, the effects of the issue might be addressed.
Barajas‐Gonzalez, R. G., Ayón, C., & Torres, F. (2018). Applying a community violence framework to understand the impact of immigration enforcement threat on Latino children. Social Policy Report, 31(3), 1-24. Retrieved from
Emanuel, N. R. (2020). Do you even “like” me?: How the popularity of pro/anti-immigration tweets impacts attitudes towards immigration. Retrieved from
Estrada, A. L. (2009). Mexican Americans and historical trauma theory: A theoretical perspective. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 8(3), 330-340.
Levers, L. L., & Hyatt‐Burkhart, D. (2012). Immigration reform and the potential for psychosocial trauma: The missing link of lived human experience. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 12(1), 68-77. Retrieved from
Park, Y., Bhuyan, R., Richards, C., & Rundle, A. (2011). US social work practitioners’ attitudes towards immigrants and immigration: Results from an online survey. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 9(4), 367-392. Retrieved from

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