Understanding business
organisations and their environments.
The essay must include:
a) An introduction to the essay to give the reader an overview
about what the essay is all about.
b) Paragraph 1: The definition and outline of three
advantages and disadvantages of the different types of business for example: sole
trader, partnership, limited company, etc.
c) Paragraph 2: Compare and
contrast tall and flat structure of an organisation. Make sure you include
hospitality and tourism Industry examples in your discussion.
d) Paragraph 3: Discuss different business functions
such as Human Resource Management, Production, Operations, etc. and the impact
of their functional management activities on organisations and the people within
the organisations.
e) Paragraph 4: Define organisational culture and explain how positive
culture impacts on the success of organisation.
f) Conclusion :You should include examples of industry
practice from different organisations.
Make sure you include hospitality and tourism Industry examples in
your discussion.
You are required
to write a 1500-word essay based on the management structure in business on:
• Introduction
(150 words)
• Advantages and
disadvantages of the different types of business organisations. (300 words)
• Compare and
contrast organisational structures. (300 words)
• Discuss
different business functions within a business organisations (300 words)
• Define
organisational culture and explain how positive culture impacts on the success
of organisation. (300 words)
• Conclusion. (150
You should
include examples of industry practice from different organisations
Minimum of 15 Sources, including Journals, Books and use a variety
of academically accepted sources.
You must
reference all information used in the essay, using the Harvard Referencing
See attached guied and grid for grade descriptors.
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