This I Believe

The “This I Believe” paper, a concept adapted from the popular radio series of Edward Murrow, is a summary of what the student believes about recreation and leisure and its place in contemporary society. Throughout the course, we have spoken about various definitions of leisure, leisure’s evolution over the course of time, and how like all social systems, leisure and recreation is influenced by systemic, structural, and inter- and intrapersonal barriers for different populations and communities. In the final paper, you should reflect on the topics discussed in class, carefully cross-examining and critically assessing the social and environmental inequities that currently exist in parks, recreation, and leisure, and how the next evolution can be more just (i.e, equitable and inclusive). The paper should conclude with the student’s personal definition of recreation and leisure and what the form they “believe” it should take in the future.
The “This I Believe” paper is designed to help you form a conceptual and personal definition of leisure and recreation and to critically assess how mitigating and/or eliminating social and environmental inequities related to recreation and leisure will help to produce better communities. This paper should serve as a guiding framework – an anchor point to which you can turn when they are faced with ethical or value-laden issues during their career.
This paper should incorporate readings from the class and, as appropriate, supplementary readings that support the student’s perspectives. Papers should be in APA format (6th or 7th edition), 12-point font, double-spaced, and should be at least 750 words, but not exceed 7 pages (excluding references).
Below is a breakdown of how students will be assessed.
Grading detail:
Critical Thinking (30 points)
• Incorporated critical thought about constraints to leisure engagement by marginalized populations (15) ___
• Demonstrated thoughtfulness of social and environmental justice issues within parks, recreation, and leisure (15) ___
Incorporation of Class Material (15 points)
• Adequately included class and outside material to support conclusions (10) ___
• Class material synthesized within paper (10) ___
Personal Philosophy and Connection with more Just Communities (20 points)
• State: Personal philosophical statement clearly expressed. This is a straightforward statement that encapsulates what you believe (5) ___
• Align: Explanation of how this definition aligns with recreation and leisure in contemporary society (5)__
• Apply. Explanation of how you believe recreation and leisure may be used to promote equity, access, and just communities (10)____
Formatting & References (10 points)
• Writing style/organization, Grammar, spelling (5) ___
• Correct APA format in text & in references (5) ___

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