Thesis Paper on Hawaii

This final thesis paper is for research purposes; to gain an understanding of what is going on in Hawaiʻi now. Look up a current issue in Hawaiʻi. Write a brief summary on the issue, state your opinion on it, why you feel that way, and then suggest possible solutions if you think there are any (if not, why are there no solutions?). Cite all sources in MLA format. Your paper should be two pages long (double spaced, 12 point font).
Pick one of the topics:
TMT (the thirty-meter-telescope on Mauna Kea)
Bone (ʻiwi) rights
The bombing of Kahoʻolawe
The RAIL project (like BART, but above ground)
Hawaiian Sovereignty
Land rights
Hawaiians in poverty/ prisons/ poor health
The significant number of immigrants moving into Hawaiʻi and the impacts (gentrification)
The declining populations of native plants and animals (or other environmental issues)
Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia – The voyaging canoes
How COVID disproportionately impacts Native communities
Potential major sources of economic growth that could replace tourism

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