Instructions for the paper
As noted in the syllabus, you are expected to design a study that aims to answer a question in communication science using one of the research methods described in class. The paper length is variable but should be between 8-10 pages (NOT INCLUDING REFERENCES). Research methods that could be used: content analysis, surveys, focus groups, experiments or participant observation.
For the proposal’s parts, please adhere to the following requirements:
1. Please use APA 7th citation guidelines, see more here:
(Links to an external site.)
2. The paper should include an introduction, a review of the literature (the main body of the proposal) with in-text citations to support claims with evidence, and a section on the research method you’d use if you were going to actually do the study.
3. Introduction: includes the problem statement: definition of terms [that are perhaps unique to your study], significance of the topic, any controversies connected to the topic
4. Lit Review: includes predominantly academic peer-reviewed sources with in-text citations (either direct quotes or paraphrase, please consult this for guidelines:
(Links to an external site.)
5. Method: please be as specific as possible about the method you’d use for your study. Think big. Don’t forget to consider ALL of the following: what are you studying (people or content)?, what is in the sample? is it a random sample or a non-probability sample (convenience, quota, etc.), what is the timeframe of the study?, what are the independent and dependent variables (mostly important in quantitative studies, but sometimes also in qualitative studies)?, would you need any permissions, such as if you were going to interview vulnerable subjects?, how do you consider reliability and validity?, are there ethical issues to consider?, what are your main hypotheses and/or research questions?
6. References: please cite them all according to APA 7th edition. USE THE SOURCES FROM THE LITERATURE REVIEW I HAVE ATTACHED+ COUPLE EXTRA ONCE

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