Term Paper

Length Requirement: paper should be at least 1400 words long (not including heading, bibliography, etc.) and should not exceed 1900 words, double-spaced with a standard 12-point font (Times New Roman).
Paper Assignment: Write an essay that adequately addresses each of the questions asked or demands made for the following topic. You should give equal attention to addressing each of the questions/demands.
Topic: Compare and contrast Bentham’s ‘Principle of Utility’ with Mill’s ‘Greatest Happiness Principle’. Why does Mill believe that his own view improves upon Bentham’s? Also, discuss why Williams believes that the utilitarian approach taken by both Bentham and Mill is problematic. Finally, discuss whether or not you believe that utilitarianism can adequately respond to the objections offered by Williams. In order to do this, you should discuss one possible response a utilitarian could make and explain whether or not you think it is up to the task of countering Williams’ challenge.
* A complete paper will include explanations and definitions of key terms.
* It should not be necessary to use any secondary resources for your paper. Please use attached sources and notes
* You should address all facets of a philosopher’s view that are relevant to the paper topic.
* Try to avoid quotations by paraphrasing whenever possible. If you feel that a quotation is absolutely essential, make sure to cite the appropriate page.

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