Length: 2,000 words (+/-10%) excluding references
Format: Double spacing, Times New Roman, size 12 font
Reference Style: Harvard (l have attached an RMIT HARVARD REFERENCE DOCUMENT)
Learning objectives assessed:
CLO1 Understand what contemporary management issues and challenges are in modern organisations
CLO2 Apply relevant theories to critically examine contemporary management issues and formulate effective solutions to these issues
CLO3 Effectively communicate concepts and arguments learned in contemporary management in a logical, coherent and engaging manner
CLO4 Demonstrate interpersonal and teamwork skills in analysing issues and challenges, and finding solutions
For this report, students will drawing on the course materials and their own additional research to assess RMIT University and
a) describe three major contemporary management issues and challenges RMIT University might be facing;
b) what they think RMIT University should do to address the three major contemporary management issues and challenges; and
c) why should RMIT University take up these measures. (Justify your recommendations with evidence.)
The title of your submission should be formatted as follows: Class number – Group Leader RMIT ID – Strategy Report.
All submissions will be put through Turnitin.
More Information on the Assignment:
There might not be a lot of publicly available information on RMIT University. Therefore, to help you in this assignment, broaden your research to the higher education sector and technology universities. The following are questions for your group to consider when writing the report (please note that these are prompt questions to aid you in writing your report):
How can universities remain relevant in today’s economy?
Will traditional degrees be relevant going forward?
What are some threats to the survival/thriving of the higher education sector? (Be proactive and do additional readings)
Is RMIT University well-placed to thrive in the digital economy?
Here are a set of PowerPoint slides to assist you with the assignment outline, structure, and content: (l have attached powerpoint slides. Critical you look at this)
Relevant article:
How universities must adapt to train future leaders: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/higher-education-leadership/ (Links to an external site.)
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