For your final paper in the course I want you to take the concepts we have discussed in the later half and use them to analyze a family set of laws. You have 3 options for structuring your paper.
You can perform a more dialectic style activity in which you take a family of laws and analyze them using two opposing theories that we have discussed. You must explain where the theories overlap and where they differ. Your final section needs to synthesize the perspectives together into a whole.
You can take a concept that we have discussed in class and both apply and extend it. Your paper should explain the concept, give an example of it, expand that concept and also give an example of the expanded concept.
You can critique a concept or set of concepts. Your paper should explain the concept, give an example per the creator, and then critique that concept as completely and consistently as possible.
The class is on socilogical theorists, so “concepts” mean things such as marx and webers theories on contracts, or marx theory on communism and things like that
topic ideas: rationality and contracts when it comes to society and how the early sociologist theories can be applied to laws/ or a family
Each of these options leaves you considerable flexibility in topic, but not in structure. For each topic you need to follow the key conditions of the topic. Do not allow that flexibility to become a liability. Find a key issues and plan your analysis out COMPLETELY before you start to write.
Paper Standards
All papers written for this course are to conform to the following standards. Deviation from these will result in the loss of points detailed below.
All papers turned in for this course must be complete, meaning they must have an introduction, body, conclusion and works cited page. Argument essays require a clear thesis statement.
This paper should be no shorter than 2000 words and no longer than 2500 in length.
Double spaced
Font – The following fonts and sizes are acceptable
Times New Roman at 11
Calibri at 11
Paper length will be specified in the paper instructions. A page = a full page. ¾ of a page will not count as a full page.
All citations should be in the ASA format.
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