Social media marketing

Week 2 Discussion
Discussion Topic
Dave Carroll’s horrific experience with United Airlines was a catalyst for unhappy passengers to share their experiences with the world. Even though bad experiences are a small portion of the millions of airline transactions that take place around with world every day, the negative experiences are unplanned, unpredictable, and difficult to contain once a post goes viral. Passengers fighting with each other, being dragged off planes, or having their personal spaces invaded by tray tables, crying babies, and other passengers’ body parts are just a few of themes you will discover if you search social media for airline experiences.
Why do you think people share these experiences publicly?
Why do you think these negative experiences go viral?
How can a company prepare for the unexpected by having plans in place to publicly address social media negativity?
Feel free to share a personal experience or to post a video that caught your attention. (Be sure your video is “academically appropriate” and does not include harsh language or excessive violence. You may also post a POSITIVE video.)

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