You need to write and submit a 8-10 page argumentative essay that is related to the topics that we are discussing, or that is related to any other issue in medical ethics/bioethics. You do not have to pick a chapter or topic or problem that we have gone over and write on that.
Note, this isn’t a “tell me what you think about xyz” or a “describe how you feel about xyz” assignment. There are assignments like that in your other classes, but this is a philosophical exercise that involves an argumentative essay.
If you do not know what an argumentative essay is, this website explains that, and for the most part, shows what your paper should look like:
There are also examples of research papers and argumentative essays on that site (and probably a million other sites).
Note: although you need to use APA format for your paper, do not include a cover page or an abstract. Just put your name, and start writing. Canvas knows what class you’re in, the date, etc.
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