Watch video from the link below and review info from my paper below. Make changes or recommendations. Please provide two sources: one can be a website, that speaks about the benefits of branding that lead to success, and the power of how e-commerce can drive a business. From a reputable source with five years.Paper instructions are attached.
Paper info:
Commercial link:
Title: Successful Sharing of Services Translates to Seashell Sales
*Chosen due to the play on alliteration used within the commercial*
Thesis statement: When you are trying to provide a service for others, regardless of how wanted the product may be, without the correct path for a customer to find your product: it will not sell efficiently.
Document description:
Characters: Sally, Workers, Customers, Narrator
Setting: The Beachside
-Sally is wanting to sell shells
-She sets up a website to sell effectively
-She starts building clients, and in turn a business model
-She owns a ship and is able to sail off to sea.
Rhetorical situations: The ad is made to show the power of proper marketing
It also depicts that hard work can help one achieve their end goal
Do not worry about getting your hands dirty in order to make your goal a reality.
Rhetorical appeals: Ethos – It plays into the spirit of free enterprise, and the culture that seashells cultivate, which is displayed throughout the commercial as the “protagonist” grows her empire.
Pathos – From the beginning of the commercial it paints the picture that without Squarespace, Sally was not successful. Once she turned to proper branding we saw that the seashells she sold were in turn sought after, and before she knew it, was able to build her empire.
Logos – The appeal of logos is very straightforward, logically speaking, without Squarespace, Sally would not be successful. If you were wanting to expand your business, proper brand awareness is imperative to success.
Design elements:
The commercial instantly makes the viewers seem invested in the journey that Sally is partaking in.
The viewer is in turn disheartened that while Sally wants to sell her shells, she is unable to drive customers to her van.
Throughout the video, we can see the rise of Sally’s business and are happy at the success that she was able to obtain due to proper brand awareness.
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