Final Exam Questions: You must write an essay in response to the following questions. Essays should be at least 4 pages in length and must fully respond to all parts of the question. Each question requires that you provide direct quotes from the literary works to support your points. Completed exams must be turned in to Safe Assign by no later than end of day on Tuesday, May 10.
Question : For this question you may only use works from the Restoration period. Please use works that were assigned for this class and do not use material from outside of textbook and class notes.
Between 1660, when the monarchy was restored and Charles II continued the Stuart reign, to the close of the 18th century, England underwent many changes, as did the larger world. London became an increasingly important world capital, and England gained influence as a global force through colonial expansion and trade. In poetry, the neoclassicists turned to the classical works of Greek and Roman poets to borrow from, both in form (heroic verse, ode) and through translation of and allusion to earlier works. In style, a prominent form borrowed from classical Rome was the satire. This verse form allowed poets to display their wit and technical mastery while launching elegant critiques of everything from government to public life and even other poets. In drama, the comedy of manners turned a satirical lens on the most frivolous and indulgent behaviors of the upper classes. At the same time, however, writers like Defoe, Finch, and Gray were writing about more serious subjects within fictional works that incorporated references to slavery, mental illness, and death. Write an essay in which you discuss at least 4 significant works of the day (no more than 2 poems) as they reflect the period of the Restoration in England in relation to historical events and cultural values. Give specific examples from each work and discuss how they are characteristic of the period in both style and content.
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