Relationship case study: This assignment first involves reading the assigned novel. As you will discover the relationship of this couple is tested. The couple had resources to draw on at the time of their crisis. This assignment asks you to reflect on this relationship, using theory, concepts, and principles from the course material, and complete a case study. A case study is an in-depth analysis of a single person, couple, family, business, or society, depending upon the setting. Here, it will be an in-depth analysis of a couple. Your job will be to write the case study as if you are a professional helper working with couples and the couple from the novel you read is your client.
Section I of the case study is Background Information and Description of the Presenting Problem, that is, about a page or so in which you will present your client’s background. Include factors such as age, gender, work, health status, family background, goals and coping skills, weaknesses and attachment history/style. Discuss how the individual’s place in society affects experiences, values, or choices If you are going to quote the book word for word, make sure you enclose the quote in quotation marks and cite the page (e.g. (p. 2)). Next, describe the problem or symptoms that the couple presented to you. In Section I, you will be graded on the quality and breadth of your description, and your creativity in describing the couples presenting problem.
The couple being studied here is Roy Hamilton Jr. and Celestial Davenport
Use quotes from the novel
Section II of the assignment focuses on Your Diagnosis. Using theories and concepts we have studied in class, describe the issues that this couple is having. Where do the problems come from? How is each partner experiencing the problem? How did class theories and concepts help you as you made your diagnosis? As you analyze the couple’s relationship to make your diagnosis, weave theories and concepts from class with the story of the couple.
Section III of the assignment focuses on Intervention. Again, using theories and concepts we have studied in class, discuss how the couple weathered the problems they experienced. Many couples who experience stressful events find that their relationship suffers, even when the event is a positive one, such as the birth of a child. The events experienced in this novel were stressful for the couple. Did they keep their relationship going? How? What advice would you give to other couples who may be experiencing similar problems? Again, you will be graded on how well you synthesize the material from the course with the couple’s story from the novel. Style points will be awarded for well-written (i.e. organized, clearly
supported arguments, each paragraph has a thesis statement or a clear purpose), grammatically correct papers.
Section I should be about 1-2 pages long, double-spaced. Sections II and III should be about 2 -3 pages long double-spaced, each. The font should be 12 point, and the margins should be 1 inch.
Two sources:
-An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
-Intimate Relationships (7th Edition) by Rowland Miller
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