Reflection Paper

Hello this is field work reflection. I will also be uploading a smaple as well.
Fully describes day-to-day activities and gives 5 or more examples about the internship assignment(s). Includes plenty of detail about one-to-one and/or group activities as well as a description on what they learned throughout the term.
Things I did at pierce College at the outreach department
Advised prospective students and families on admissions and academic requirements
Assisted in organizing job fairs, First year experience information sessions, Promise Program Fair, and Brahma Event for new prospective students.
Answered student’s questions about the purposes and details of financial aid.
Advised students one-on-one on career and major choices via online and in person appointments
Assisted Students with career assessments: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Keirsey Temperament Sorter, Strong Interest Inventory, and Holland Code Career Test.
Created flyers for different events for the Transfer Center, Promise Program, EOPS Department , and Brahma Day.
Conducted individual and group counseling sessions
Developed and implemented performance improvement strategies and plans to promote continuous improvement.
Showed students how to navigate for their major courses for their desired university they wish to transfer to
Provided information regarding educational options, financial aid, and career guidance, both on a one-on-one basis as well as in small groups m
Provided information about academic programs that are available in all community colleges in Los Angeles District.
Assisted Students with the transition from high school to College.
Conducted presentations in classroom settings, career fairs, and for Brahma Day.
Conducted tours for students visiting the different community college campuses.
Assisted students with the application process for community college.
Maintained liaison with counselors, faculty, to establish and maintain communication and to facilitate the enrollment and transfer of students.
Proceeded High School update forms for the students at the Admissions Office.
Monitored students participating in Dual enrollment programs and proceed Dual and Concurrent forms for the students
Maintained case management files and student databases
Helped students complete the FAFSA application
helped at the carrer center with presentations and questions for the students
anwsered questions for students at the finacial aid departmemnt
used peoplesoft to look up students information and their academic transcrips or anything thats related to the students academic information

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