Please follow the attached instruction of essay:
My main idea is that immigrant women in Australia are the most prone to domestic violence and it has several factors.
Use following sources for referencing and insight reading
Edna Erez, Madelaine Adelman, Carol Gregory Intersections of Immigration and Domestic Violence: Voices of Battered Immigrant Women
Human rights abuses of refugees and asylum seekers in Australia
Pease, B., Goldingay, S., Hosken, N. and Nipperess, S., 2020. Doing Critical Social Work | Transformative Practices for Social Justice
Anti-Oppressive practice with people seeking asylum in Australia (pg 195-210),
Feminism under siege (pg 226-240)
Pg 73-89
Carson,E., and Kerr,L. Australian Social Policy and the Human services : Citizenship and globalization (386-410)
Domestic Violence at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender: Challenges and Contributions to Understanding Violence Against Marginalized Women in Diverse Communities
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