questions and answers

Please select 3 of the following questions to answer. Only your first 3 answers will be graded. Each short answer question is worth 10 points. Please note in your document which option you are answering with each response. All responses should be between 1 and 2 paragraphs long (so aim for 4-8 sentences).
A. Explain why strategy is important in IB and at least 2 of the analysis models we discussed.
B. Discuss when an export strategy would be the best IB option for a company.
C. Explain the pros and cons to at least 2 of the entry modes we discussed.
D. Discuss how FDI could benefit or harm a country’s economic and political development
E. Explain the potential pros and cons of outsourcing.
F. Explain the overall impact of technology on IB.
G. Discuss the general pros and con of localization.
H. Discuss common issues with repatriation.

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