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Part B: Project Plan
The Office Manager is responsible for ensuring that all student records are in compliance for the annual student record audit. Below you will see the requirements. Create a one-month project plan to ensure that all requirements are met.
Total folder counts:
Kindergarten: 84
1st grade: 56
2nd Grade: 56
Required: All Files (Kindergarten -2nd grade) must be:
organized by homeroom
organized by grade level
Alphabetical order
Homeroom rosters must be printed and present in front of every homeroom
All homerooms must be labeled with the homeroom teachers name
Locked in a fireproof file cabinet
All student support files should be organized and filed directly behind the PRF folder
All file cabinets must be labeled on the outside by grade level
All cabinets must have a key
Permanent Record Folders required documents (inside of all scholar folders):
Birth Certificate
SS Card
Immunization Record
Ear Eye and Dental 3300
Test Scores
Most recent report card
Completed PRF folder (exterior/interior)
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