project 2

Project 2 Instructions
Project II: (Communication Skills and Critical Thinking Skills). All students are required to identify and evaluate one public policy or law considered by the Texas state legislature during its 2021 legislative session.
Go to to conduct a search by topic.
Students are free to select a policy they find interesting or to select a policy that potentially impacts their political, religious, or ideological beliefs. Evaluating a policy consists of:
• defining the problem,
• finding out what solutions are being proposed by different groups,
• identifying what (if anything) government does to solve the problem,
• explaining why government is expected to solve this problem, and
• explaining what difference various proposed solution will make to those affected by the policy.
Students are required to write a 5-page analysis and evaluation of the policy issue.
Written Assignment Guidelines:
Papers should be professional, well-organized, and well-edited.
Quality Control: Do not submit first drafts. Do not write the paper the night before it is due. I will be available if you need me during the semester to discuss content, ideas, and offer suggestions.
Be sure that ALL material you use is properly attributed to its author. If you quote directly from any source, you must use quotation marks and provide a source along with author info (e.g., page number or URL). If you paraphrase without quotes, you must still include the source of the citation.
Do not use anonymous sources. This includes Wikipedia any other source where you cannot identify the author.
Write all your formal papers in 3rd person. Do not use the word “I” or “you” excessively in your papers.
+1 (919) 589-4577:
Got it, and by when do you need it done?

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