The purpose of this paper is to analyze the policy using relevant empirical evidence, experts’ critiques, and key
stakeholders’ beliefs.
This paper should be 3-4 pages in length. The paper should have a title page and references, neither of which are included in the final page length, and must include the following:
1. An assessment of how well the policy has addressed the social problem identified in Assignment #3.
2. A description of the ways in which the policy has a differential effect upon the sub-groups identified in Assignment #3.
3. Recommend policy modifications or a policy alternative based on your analysis of the policy. Your recommendations
should consider how the policy could better address the problem and especially how it could better promote
social/economic justice. Given your recommendation, briefly describe what might be appropriate steps for policy
advocacy and what roles social workers should play in advancing these positions.
You will use the policy and analysis used in Assignment #3 and overall, your main goal is to find ways for the policy to bebetter. On google search “Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 Policy Recommendations”

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