Please read the attached article. It is length and you may find you need to read and re-read portions of it and also read it over time as opposed to finishing it in one sitting. That is why you have 3 weeks to complete this final project.
After reading the article, in 2 pages, double spaced, 12 point Times Roman font, please summarize the article’s major points. In the next 3 to 5 pages explain whether you believe it is beneficial for individuals with disabilities to disclose them to potential employers, what you see as the up side and the down side of doing so. Also discuss whether you believe the definition of disability in the regulations is helpful to people with disabilities or not helpful. Finally, if you were a federal contractor (looking at this from the perspective of an employer) how would you view the regulations and the Utilization Goal? Do you believe the Utilization Goal is fair to employers? Why or why not?
Conclude your paper with what you would like to see colleges/universities do to help better prepare students with disabilities for the workforce. You can also discuss other issues you see if you would like to and/or what you’ve learned if anything from reading the article. Again, no right or wrong answers/thoughts.
This is the Final Project and it will be due no later than Friday, May 13th. There will be NO final exam. Your paper should be 5 to 7 pages, doubled spaced, one inch margins, in Times Roman 12 point font. I look forward to receiving your papers and reading your thoughts.

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