Personality psychology

Global Issues in Psychology Comparison Paper: The purpose of this paper is to assess a psychology-related issue/event
in another country and compare/contrast to similar issues in the United States. This paper should be 8-10 pages, 12-point
font, 1” margins and structured based on APA 6 manuscript formatting (visit for further guidance in the use of APA format). The requirements for
this writing assignment are as follows:
1. Define a psychological issue or event that has occurred/is occurring in another country (a country other than the
United States) on which to focus.
2. Use psychological science and practice, specifically related to personality theories that are taught/covered in
the text, to analyze the psychological issue or event.
3. Compare/contrast the country’s sociocultural perspectives on this issue/event to the United States’ sociocultural
perspectives on similar issues. In other words, share how they are similar and how they are different.
4. Reflect on ethical, social, and/or personal connections to the issue or event.
5. Paper must be uploaded to ePortfolio.

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