This is instructions:
Movie Analysis Rubric
(Score 0 if element is absent)
Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Score
Describe the Fair Housing Act
(Total maximum 10 points)
In the movie “A house divided”, what
role did race play?
(Total maximum points 10 points) Did not clearly identify (5) Met the requirements (7)
Same criteria as meets
expectations. In depth and well
synthesized with scholarly
inferences. Free of errors. (10)
Nikole Hannah-Jones states that we
have fair housing laws, but we don’t
have fair housing. What does this mean
and what policies is she speaking of
(Total maximum 10 points)
What is the impact of gentrification
in this movie?
(Total maximum 10 points)
Did not clearly identify (5) Met the requirements (7)
Same criteria as meets
expectations. In depth and well
synthesized with scholarly
inferences. Free of errors. (10)
The “American Dream” suggests that if
you work hard, you will be able to have
the life you dreamed of. How did the
movie address this?
(Total maximum points 10)
Did not clearly identify (2) Met the requirements. (3)
Same criteria as meets
expectations. In depth and well
synthesized with scholarly
inferences. Free of errors. (5)
APA compliance – formatting,
technical writing style, flows and is
logical, references.
(Total maximum points 10)
Excessive errors (3) Minimal errors (6) No errors (10)
This is the paper I wrote, please edit and rewrite please, I need a good grade. Movie Analysis
Rita Ford
Coppin State University
SOWK 360 -001
Dr. Melissa Buckley
March 16, 2022
Fair Housing Act
This is what I wrote
Federal Law
Fair Housing Act was introduced as H.R. 2516 (Title
XIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968) by House Judiciary Committee chairman
Emanuel Cellar of New York on January 17, 1967; the bill passed the House in
August 1967, and made it through the Senate with amendments on March 11, 1968. Schwartz, A. F. (2021). The Fair Housing Act is a federal law enacted
in 1968 that prohibits discrimination in the purchase, sale, rental, or
financing of housing- private or public based on race, skin color, sex, nationality,
or religion. The Fair Housing Act stands as the final outstanding legislative
achievement of the civil rights era. This Act was signed into law by Lyndon B.
Johnson on April 11, 1968. A few days after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was
assassinated. Schwartz, A. F.
A House Divided
Race played a significant role in the movie;
based on a true story, “A House Divided” the film explores the legal battle
over a black woman’s inheritance of her white father’s estate in the mid-1800
in Georgia. Amanda’s mother was a slave, and her father was a plantation owner
who raped her mother. Julia knew if she made a public claim to her daughter,
she would not be treated and able to travel around the world as a black woman.
Amanda was raised as a white child her father and grandmother raised her. It
was several incidents that made it race-related, first what right does the
slave owner have to rape his slave, the slave became pregnant, and Mr. Dickerson
raised the child as solely white; then the nerve of him to allow the mother to work
in the house but, couldn’t tell Amanda that she was her mother. Mr. Dickerson discovers
her intelligent (Amanda’s mother could read write and count) he used her for the
greater good; she began to run the plantation. Amanda was never told until she
became an adult the identity of her mother. Amanda inherits the largest farm in
a small Georgia town, Amanda’s uncle did not think she deserved to inherit the
land which his family owned because she was black and challenged the will.
Amanda finally won in court; her uncle fought a good fight. Jaffa, H. V. (2012).
Hannah- Jones
Mrs. Nikole Hannah Jones is an American
investigative journalist known for her coverage of civil rights in the United
States. Mrs. Jones is the creator of project 1619. Nikole Jones said, “The
contributions of Black people often left out of the American story. Her mission
is to reframe U.S. history. There are laws on the books that say it is against
the law to not rent or sell a house to anyone because of race; The Fair Housing
Act is a federal law enacted in 1968 that prohibits discrimination in the
purchase, sale, rental, or financing of housing- private or public based on
race, skin color, sex, nationality, or religion. There are several ways the
government discriminated against blacks and people of color; one was redlining
districts, they develop areas on the map where blacks, people of color, and low-income
people could not live. The federal government made it impossible for blacks to
get loans to purchase a home. The government made it difficult for Blacks to
continue their process of renting or buying a house based on the color of their
skin. Hannah-Jones, N.
Gentrification is when Amanda came home to
find out her father died and left her his estate solely to her. Jaffa, H. V. (2012). Then
the brother Henry Dickerson attempted to humiliate Amanda in court, not wanting
her to get her inheritance, he had his lawyer and the doctor that delivered her
on the stand in court talking about her being a negro that don’t deserve ½ million
dollars, Amanda won the court hearing. Jaffa, H. V. (2012).
American Dream
The American Dream is a national ethos of the
United States, the set of ideals (democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity, and
equality) in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success,
as well as upward social mobility for family and children, achieved through
hard work in a society with few barriers. Jaffa, H. V. (2012). The movie addressed the
American Dream through Julia. She works hard to ensure that her daughter Amanda
gets what was due to her (inheritance). Julia assisted Amanda’s father, David
Dixon, in running his plantation and providing that even the enslaved people
were compensated for their hard work. Julia was the epitome of the American
Dream; she worked hard and endured rape, being sold and talked to in a manner
no human should be addressed. Jaffa,
H. V. (2012).
American Dream – Wikipedia.
Hannah-Jones, N. (2012). Living apart: How the government
betrayed a landmark civi
rights law (Vol.
21). New York: ProPublica.
H. V. (2012). Crisis of the House Divided: An Interpretation of the
Issues in the
Debates. University of Chicago Press.
Schwartz, A. F.
(2021). Housing policy
in the United States. Routledge.
The Fair Housing Act of 1968 | U.S. House of Representatives

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