Review of Mia Bay, To Tell the Truth Freely
** Remember you only have to read pp. 1-191
Write a 3-4 pp. review (12 pt. font, double-spaced, no title page required). Your review should present a summary of the author’s main argument(s) and her major points; it should also present your evaluation of the work. Upload the review to the dropbox folder in ‘Assignments’ on Blackboard.
In addition to summarizing the main argument(s) and themes, consider the following questions as you’re evaluating the work:
● If you could name something that you learned or that surprised you in this book, what would it be?
● In your judgment, of what historical significance is Wells’ life? Has the author made clear why she believes Wells holds historical significance?
● What do you think are the most noteworthy strengths of Bay’s account? Why?
● What do you think are the most noteworthy weaknesses of her account? Why?
● To what extent was the author’s main argument and points and persuasive?
Why? If not, why not?

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