Medical Anthropology Q2

Answer all parts of each question. Ground your answers in the readings by quoting from the texts read in class. Your answers should show that you know the material and can think about and with it in analytical and critical ways – that is, complicate and think with and through the words, ideas, quotes, and examples you invoke; and construct an original, clear and jargon-free thesis statement in the first few paragraphs.
Please answer the questions (1-3) below in 500 words. I will also attach all required readings. For the Strauss reading you can pick one from the two i will attach. Thank you.
Franz Fanon situates different forms of distress within the particular historical moment he writes about (the colony), and he analyzes the relationship between colonialism and medicine. 1) What is Fanon’s main argument about this relationship and the effects it has on the health of colonizers and colonized? 2) After outlining Fanon’s main points, think with Nancy Scheper-Hughes’s three propositions for a critical medical anthropology and the ways in which anthropology and colonialism have been co-implicated in the past. 3) How does Warwick Anderson’s work on colonial public health intervention in the Philippines relate to Fanon’s theses, and to Scheper-Hughes’ propositions for a critical medical anthropology?

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