Date: Day 5
Unit/Topic: Ultimate Frisbee
Grades: 6,7, and 8
GOAL: …..
What are activities or skills:
1.) SKILL #1: Students will be able to toss and catch a frisbee with two partners at least seven times.
2.) SKILL #2: Students will be able to run contact catch to frisbee stop at least three times.
FUN ACTIVITY: Divide into two teams and compete in Ultimate Frisbee to see who can score the most three points.
Student Objectives:
1.) SKILL #1:
Students will be able to toss and catch a frisbee with two partners at least seven times.
2.) SKILL #2:
Students will be able to run contact catch to frisbee stop at least three times.
1.) SKILL #1:
Students will be able to demonstrate high and low catch to a frisbee at least four times.
2.) SKILL #2:\
Students will be able to establish where to run, catch, and throw the frisbee at least three times.
1) (*) The students will be able to work in a team with several students of different races, showing a positive attitude towards and non-discrimination of race in the classroom, gym, and court at all the times.
2) The student will have a favorable attitude toward non-discrimination of the race if given a chance on, no working in a team with multiple persons of various races, as evaluated by use of a check-listing utilize and complete by non-teammates.
1) (*) The students will be able to demonstrate respectful attitudes, positive sportsmanship, courtesy, excellent manners, and polite behavior with his/her peers in the classroom, gym, and court at all the times.
2) The students will be able to discuss and express themselves to show respect and concern for others.
21 minutes lesson plan
Student Activity (TASK) WHAT?
Class Organization (CONDITION) HOW? WHERE?
Cues (PER 203 only)
PART 1 (Opening)
Time (3 minutes)
WARM-UP/FITNESS: (3 minutes)
Run two loops
Turn each student’s leadership into a stretch.
Outside on the field football
PART 2 (Teaching)
Time (16 minutes)
Introduction: (1 minutes)
SKILL #1: (5 minutes)
Students will be able to toss and catch a frisbee with two partners at least seven times.
SKILL #2: (5 minutes)
Students will be able to run contact catch to frisbee stop at least three times.
FUN ACTIVITY: (5 minutes) (Explain here)
Divide into two teams and compete in Ultimate Frisbee to see who can score the most points.
2 min ~
3 min ~
2 min ~
3 min ~
PART 3 (Wrap up)
Time (2 minutes)
LESSON CLOSURE: (2 minutes)
What do they learn?
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