Leadership 3

You are expected to do an individual reflection based on the texts and texts reviewed in addition to the discussions held in class. The objective is to give you the opportunity to outline your personal worldview on the subject matter of how leadership choices can impact the attainment of a good society. You are encouraged to do independent work. Your submission requirements are spelled out in the course outline.
the resources sources to be cited have been uploaded in the file section. cite at least 5 of them
Leadership is a critical factor when it comes to unleashing the potential of many countries. It is very obvious that there is a clear correlation between good leadership and economic development. Indeed, leadership has become the key determinant for turning around poorly performing countries into giants in industrial development and creating sustainable livelihoods.
The underlining assumptions of the course support the proposition that when leaders lead well by employing the right economic policies and choosing the right democratic options, their countries, communities, families, and individuals experience progress and development in their livelihoods.
Leadership is also about choices and rightfully so, choices among many equally important options. Choices because not all sections of the society can be satisfied at the same time due to limited resources. The way out therefore is for leaders to attempt to reach a fair compromise in their choices or negotiate trades-offs in their decision-making with the hope of meeting the needs of the larger society over time. The verdict of the performance of leadership is examined by how well they can strike this delicate balance such that every member of the society gets a piece of the national cake.
The objective of this term paper is for you to provide an informed position or opinion on2 the key questions:
“What is the best way to organize the economic activity of a good society?”
“What is the proper definition of ‘best’ on this issue?”
“How do we best achieve a balance of liberty, efficiency, equality, and community?”
You are required to:
1. Articulate your personal reflections based on any of the theoretical and philosophical arguments as well as the concepts in the fields of economic development and leadership from the various readings and texts used during the course. In doing so, outline how nations especially the developing ones in Africa can promote democracy which will achieve a good society and ultimately deliver economic development to its people. You are also encouraged to state some practical examples to support your point of view.
20 Marks
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2. The United Nations have prescribed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and a timeline for which it expects nations to achieve them or make substantial progress on these goals. Select any three (3) of the SDGs and demonstrate how the achievement of these three goals will promote a balance of the pillars of a good society. You can use a nation as an example to amplify your point.

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