Topic Research: Is international Humanitarian law a sufficient form of Glglobal security governance?
Why did you choose this topic? I picked this issue because I am fascinated by international humanitarian law, which deals with armed combat and attempts to balance humanity. This law did not work to stop the war but the principal distinction, proportionality and precautions worked together as a tool to limit suffering and destruction. I am interested to find out more about my research topic with my claim.
Why is it important ? In times of conflict, international humanitarian law is one of the most powerful tools available to the international community to guarantee the safety and dignity of civilians. It aims to keep a sense of credibility alive in the face of violence, with the guiding principle that even war has its limitations.
Action: In light of current global challenges, I believe international humanitarian law is insufficient for global security governance. In light of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, no institution or government can guarantee the safety of the general population or civilian protection. This is because there is clearly a weakness in the way global security is enforced.
How will the coalition work?
Currently, International humanitarian law lays down obligations which states are bound to respect. By becoming parties to international treaties, States assume obligations and duties under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfill human rights.
Why are there certain countries who do not agree or ratify with the current treaty of international humanitarian law?
Because it is up to the states or member states if they want to comply or not.
Policy Proposal example (You can use this)
First, countries should build policy frameworks for protecting civilians in times of conflict, particularly urban combat.
Second, member states should encourage initiatives to involve non-state armed organizations in the development of policies, codes of conduct, and action plans to assist civilians.
Third, countries should increase their advocacy for civilian protection, establish responsibility for significant transgressions, and put an end to impunity.
*****Please explain each policy in a more deep analysis.
Length: 4,500- 5,000 words (including Bibliography) +/- 10%. Points taken off for papers under 3,500 words (-10%) : DUE DATE: MAY 7,2022
Action to purpose /statement
First section : Discuss the importance of international humanitarian law
Examine the significant of the IHL law
Identify why the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is insufficient in terms of global security.
Examine the challenge of IHL Law with global security governance
Discuss member states legal obligations
Second Section : Discuss development of policy framework
Examine countries policies & member states
Examine current global issue: example like Ukraine & Russia
International Organization role in global security governance & IHL Law.
Highlighting the global impact of policies implemented with conflict country
Third Section: analyze/explain Policy proposal
Introduction stating the problem (suboptimal governance arrangement): history and current status, actors involved.
Importance and Analytical perspectives: how does the literature cover it
(underresearched, inadequately resolved, contested, etc.)
State your theory/analytical perspective here: what explains the status quo (neoliberalism, weakened liberalism due to contestation, communitarian framework that downplays human security, the individual, or select stakeholders, such as indigenous communities, institutions, gender, marginalized groups, rising powers)
Statement of methodology used in analysis, if relevant (for example, compare and contrast, or historico-comparative method, case study analysis, etc. to evaluate options and recommendations)
Alternatives (this is where methods are applied): constraints, comparison, feasibility, sustainability, appropriate measures…, selection of best option.
Recommendation: Description, rationale, path of implementation, actors, leadership…
Appendix: Relevant figures, maps, graphics, Bibliography
Depth of global governance scholarship: 40% (10% each of the following components): Importance of issue (issue area) to global governance
Critical thinking (comparative, critical assessment of literature)
Bridge between theory and policy (liberalism, cooperation, state centrism/non state actors Problem definition
Research Design and organization: 20% (10% each for)
Choice of research method explained (work/s on methods cited)
Originality of research (novelty, contributions stated)
Empirical section: 30%, including:
Methodologically consistent outline of the evidence
Depth of analysis of alternatives
Diversity of research sources (data source triangulation)
Structure: 10%
Introduction, analytical section, work with evidence, recommendation, conclusion, bibliography Submission monitored for content originality via SafeAssign (33% threshold)
Length: 4,500- 5,000 words (including Bibliography) +/- 10%. Points taken off for papers under 3,500 words (-10%)
A policy position paper in global governance should structure a problem facing decision-makers or the global community. It should present the basic, relevant information known about the problem and should conclude with a recommendation. A policy paper should be based upon a clear understanding of the goal of improving a global governance outcome. In that sense, the policy paper is a type of a normative paper, as it proceeds from an argument that the status quo in a policy world (in our case, the existing—or lacking – global governance arrangement) represents a suboptimal outcome and it should be corrected. The paper proposes a course of action selected among several options. It may aspire to legitimize a new mechanism, actor, or an institution in a contested domain or relationship. Conversely, a policy paper may argue in favor of maintaining an arrangement, institution, or process against actors who are trying to modify it. The policy paper thus proposes either governance change or stability (such as maintain or reform an institution, create better regulation of global corporations, protect human rights by means of additional mechanisms, propose a coalition, create an NGO, etc.).
Any policy problem, from a decision to use or not use nuclear weapons in a regional conflict to the type of energy governance to an international city alliance may be addressed in a policy position paper. Its key elements are similar to research papers:

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