Interior Chinatown Essay

Please review the Quote Sandwich handout. Here’s the link:
The essay is made up of an intro paragraph, body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph. Your thesis statement must be the last sentence of the intro paragraph and it must be a statement that is the main idea of your essay. It’s good to revise the thesis after your essay is done to make sure it encompasses the main ideas of each body paragraph (the topic sentences). Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence which sums up the main point of the paragraph while also supporting the idea of the thesis.
Prompt: Write an essay about what role you have had to play in your life that wasn’t really being true to yourself, but was what was expected of you and write about two instances from Interior Chinatown where one or two characters had to play roles that were imposed on them and the consequences of that on their life.
Specifics of the essay:
Intro. paragraph: Introduce the author, the title of book and the genre (The genre of Interior Chinatown is fiction or novel). Keep this short. Next, in the intro paragraph, write a short and summary of the book (three to four sentences). Finally, at the end of your intro paragraph, state your thesis. It should be clear and specific. It should be the main point of your whole paper and what all your body paragraphs support. No quote sandwich in this paragraph.
Second paragraph (no quote sandwich): This is a personal paragraph about a time in your own life where you had to play a role in order to fit in. Maybe you had keep quiet because speaking up for your self because your “role” kept you silenced, or maybe you had to pretend to be something you weren’t because there were no societally acceptable roles for you to express yourself. Think of a limiting role you have had to play and the consequences of it.
Third paragraph (with quote sandwich): should be about a character in Interior Chinatown who had to “play a role” that wasn’t true to their identity. Write about the consequences that role had in their lives. You may also include how it was similar to your experience. You must use a quote sandwich to support your topic sentence, and the topic sentence must support the thesis statement. Quote Sandwich link at the top of this prompt.
The fourth paragraph (with quote sandwich): is similar to the second paragraph, and you can use the same character, different quote, or you can use a different character for your quote sandwich.
Concluding Paragraph: At the end of your essay, write a concluding paragraph that restates each point or idea made in your essay. Each body paragraph should only make one point. End this paragraph with a sentence that sums up your paper.
MLA Rules to use for your essay: Use Times New Roman Font, 12-point font, Double Space, one inch margins on each side, and do the left header as follows:
Finally: Always have a title that reflects the main idea of your paper.

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