
Directions: You will select ONE of the two essay questions from below and answer it in an essay format. You are to utilize the material from both your textbook and the provided lecture notes. The essay must include an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph. The body of your paper should have at least two or three paragraphs with at least one paragraph addressing each of the the various main points (parts A, B, and C if there is a part C) of the essay question. The minimum word length for the paper is 400 words but it will probably take you much more than that effectively answer the essay question. You may double-space or single-space, but please try to make it at a 12 point font. Remember that you are supposed to be doing your work in your words, do not take stuff from other sources beyond the textbook and the notes. If you use a quote (and I would prefer you do not use quotes unless absolutely necessary) make sure you cite it in your paper. Please make sure you have proofread your paper before the final submission. Submit your paper as a Word document. Do not submit as Pages or a Google document. For further information be sure to read the professor’s Advice for preparing for exams and expectations found on the Exams page and the Announcement posted on expectations for the exam.
1. Students frequently ask why today certain regions of the country are strongly Republican whereas for the longest time they were staunchly Democrat. This question is asking you to explain that shift. A) Explain how and why the South since the Civil War was in almost every presidential election reliably Democrat. (This may require you to go back to earlier lectures.) B) Starting in the 1960s we see the rise of a conservatism within the Republican party. Why? What in the 1960s were conservative minded Republican reacting against both within and without their party? C) In the 1970s we see the rise of social conservatism. Why? What was driving this? D) How did the Republican party at that time begin to gain those voters who once upon a time were such solid Democratic voters?
2. In the 1990s a new terrorist organization arose know as Al Qaeda. A) What was motivating Al Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden? B) After the September 11, 2001, attacks upon the U.S., how did the U.S. respond? C) Lastly, do you think the U.S. government’s Global War on Terror for roughly the last twenty years been successful? Explain.

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