There is a detailed RUBRIC for this assignment (see above). Just a few extra remarks, though:
– The Introduction: In your introductory paragraph, make sure to include a sentence that states explicitly where you stand on the issue. This will be your thesis statement. For example, write something like “In this paper I will argue that the Evil Demon Argument successfully establishes that I do not know that OCC is located in Central New York.” OR: “In this paper I will argue that the Evil Demon Argument does not successfully establishes that I do not know that OCC is located in Central New York.” The rest of your paper should be geared towards supporting your thesis statement, i.e. your paper will fulfill your promise to the reader.
– You should address each premise of the argument:
The second premise is basically saying that the Evil Demon scenario described by Descartes in his First Meditation is possible. So, is Descartes right about this? Is it really possibly the case that there is an Evil Demon making sure that everything I believe is false? In particular, could my belief that OCC is located in Central New York be false because there is an Evil Demon making sure that I believe it, and everything he makes me believe is false? (Remember: Descartes is not arguing that the Evil Demon actually exists – he is just saying that it is possible that such a being exists).
The first premise says that in order to know something you need to have certainty. Descartes’ Evil Demon idea is an attempt to make it as hard as possible to have certainty in something. If it is possible that this kind of Evil Demon exists, then there are a lot of things I am not certain about … and therefore, there are a lot of things I do not know. So … is this premise true? If you think it is true, why do you think this? If it is false, then why do you think this?
– The most important thing to remember as you write your paper is communication. Think of the paper as a means of effectively communicating to your reader what your view is and why you have this view.
– Note also that you should not think of your instructor as the audience. Instead, imagine that you are trying to communicate your point of view to a reasonably intelligent peer of yours
– It is also important that you consider an objection to your argument, and also respond to this objection. If you do this, the reader will see that you have really thought about the issue and are prepared to consider and respond to any criticism of it – instead of simply ignoring such criticism. Please let me know if you have any questions about this important aspect of the paper.
Note: This is not a research paper. That is, you do not need to do any extensive research in order to do well on the assignment. We have covered the topic in the discussions, and there is some material on it in the textbook and in the Power Point handouts. The paper is an opportunity for you to reflect for yourself on Descartes’ Methodological Skepticism (i.e. his “Method of Doubt.”)
Use the book Philosophy by Stephen Stich and Tom Donaldson as a source
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