This is the description from my professor
Students will analyze the fictitious 2017
Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study. This Baldrige case
study depicts a nonprofit, community health center serving western
Arizona from 11 clinics and 4 mobile service vans. Created by volunteer
Baldrige alumni examiners Kay Kendall, Joe Muzikowski, and Glenn
Bodinson, the fictitious Arroyo Fresco was written to represent
community health centers, which were established over the past 50 years
in medically underserved areas in all 50 states. (The case study was
reviewed by Baldrige alumni examiners Beth Katzenberg and Steve Bonk.)
Fast-growing communities along the U.S.-Mexican border, as well as
Native American and retiree populations, are represented in the case
Barriers to care include
lower levels of prevention screening, less efficient and effective
detection and management of chronic disease, large incidences of
diabetes and diabetes-related mortality, and other chronic health
problems, such as asthma, cardiovascular disease, depression, obesity,
and substance abuse and other addictive behavior. To address these,
Arroyo Fresco has developed core competencies in providing culturally
competent, patient-centered care; expertise in the treatment of diseases
prevalent within its patient population; and collaborative
relationships that increase access to specialty care and other services.
“Enabling services” the organization provides its patients include
transportation, translation, health education, and home visitation.
Fresco Community Health Center uses the Baldrige Excellence Framework
to guide its strategy, leadership and management systems, knowledge
management system, and performance improvement. The Arroyo Fresco Case Study is based on the 2017–2018 Baldrige Excellence Framework (Health Care).
this paper is a compilation of several papers that are to be included in this paper to help you in preparation. They will need to be edited and some need to be drafted. I have the Arroyo Fresco Application, Baldrige Framework, access to the textbook online (audio and text), and papers I have written throughout the program. (I will upload papers later today when I get home)

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