Haemotology Lab Repor

This is a very complicated lab report. It consists of two sections and is about haemotology. The first file I attached is a template (instructions etc). The rest of the files are information about the experiments that were done for section 1 and their results. The results need to be analysed and discussed. 10 references are required in Harvard sryle. Max word count is 2000 (excluding references, figures, and figure legends).
1. The first picture (screenshot) I attached is the results for the WEEK 2 BLOOD PRACTICAL. Please have a look at this representative data. Please draw graphs of all of the data sets, and draw a graph of the averaged data + standard Deviation.
2. The next two pictures I uploaded is the results for the WEEK 3 RBC SDS-PAGE experiment. In the experiments, a single student was required to load 2x lanes, one with the undiluted sample (A), and the other with the diluted sample (B). These were loaded alongside a MW marker. This is best seen on the right-hand side of this gel in the last 3 lanes, where samples B, A, and the MW marker are loaded.
3. The last picture I uploaded is representative results of the WEEK 4HAEMOGLOBIN ANALYSIS experiment. In the picture the left-hand lane is HbA, the middle is HbAS, and the right-hand lane is HbS.

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