I have decided on Question #3 since it seems much simpler.
Answer one of the questions below in essay form, with a clear introduction, body and
conclusion. Do not exceed 1050 words and only use readings posted on Moodle. No
outside sources are permitted. This is not a research paper, so you may cite the readings
in your text by placing the author’s last name and page number in parentheses like this:
(Kendzior, 81). Lastly, include a Chicago Manual of Style bibliography (which does not
count toward the word limit) at the end of your work. Consult the following link
https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html to assist
with the proper format.
The following rubric shall be employed in arriving at the final mark:
50% – Strength of argument (back arguments using relevant evidence from the readings
and answer all parts of the question)
25% – Understanding of the readings and the question (consult all the sources indicated
by the question, limit factual errors, and stay within the four page, double spaced limit)a
25% – Grammar (20 points) and bibliography (5 points)
Essays are due promptly by 11 a.m. on Tuesday, May 10. Send them via email to
iehrlich@bergen.edu in Word, ODT, PDF, or Google Docs format (no Pages please).
Papers sent after 11 a.m. will be assessed a ten point penalty. No work will be accepted
after 12 p.m.
1. What is the present role and place in the United States of 1) women 2) blacks 3)
immigrants 4) whites and 5) the size of responsibilities of the U.S. government?
Make your case using specific evidence from “The Post-Employment Economy,”
“The First White President,” “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All,” “Key
Findings About U.S. Immigrants,” and “America, Disrupted.”
2. Rank the following challenges in contemporary American life from most to least
pressing: 1) economic inequality 2) people sorting themselves into like-minded
communities 3) the rise of social media 4) the eviction crisis and 5) the eroding
of democratic norms. Support your arguments with specific evidence from “How
Does This End?” “Welcome to the Hyper-Meritocracy,” “The Power Of Place,”
“Home and Hope,” “America, Disrupted.”
3. Rank the four most recent two-term presidencies – namely those of 1) Ronald
Reagan 2) George W. Bush 3) Bill Clinton and 4) Barack Obama. Explain your
choices using specific evidence from the following sources: “Battle Lines,”
“America, Disrupted,” “The Purge,” “Days of Fear,” and “Arms and the Man
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