Each essay is 4 pages. Use 2 outside sources. Argue for your interpretation
of the text or sustain an analysis of the text.
Double space.
Times New Roman
Essentially, you can write your essay about anything. I could add that you could point out rhetorical figures in a particular text and discuss what the figure achieves.
But, if you explicate, it means you consider a particular moment in the text and talk about what it means.
If you compare/contrast, you consider how some aspect of the work is similar or different from another work.
A character analysis considers what is going on internally with a character, perhaps. Like you could argue whether Hamlet is acting, crazy, or if he progresses in the play toward insanity.
A response to literary criticism would consider what someone else has said about a work and then respond to it.
You can take any of these approaches in your essay.
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