1)Discuss the cultural significant an art form has within the United States and how this dance, performance, and or performance art event has influenced or has been influenced by social and political movements.
2) Examine the impact this dance, performance, and or performance art event has contributed to the history of the United States.
3) Explore how this dance, performance, and or performance art event may influence future generations in the United States and perhaps global communities.
4) This 4-to-5-page paper must have:
-5 five references or more,
-Be typed, double-spaced, on one side of white 8½ by 11-inch (letter size) paper with left and right margins at 1¼ inches each. Font must be no smaller than 12-point Times or similarly sized font; have a title and page numbers, and references.
5) The paper must be written in either MLA or APA formatting.
6) Please proofread your work.

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