FINAL PAPER (2,000-2,500 WORDS)
Students are expected to write a final paper which will be a comparative analysis of a topic in disability in a global setting. You are asked to analyze the same topic either in two different countries, or in two different regions/contexts/populations within the same country. Approach could be to analyze the current status of disability rights in two different countries, or what some epidemiologic measures of disability look like in two different contexts. It could be comparison of the same disability related innovation, or intervention in two different countries/contexts (e.g. wheelchair access in the US versus in Rwanda); or comparison of ADA-like policies in two different countries. The main goal is to be able to develop a critical reading of the situation, and furthermore, to be able to conduct comparative analysis. You are expected to find your own resources and materials for your paper, other than those provided in the syllabus.
If you have any uncertainty about what a good topic is, you are strongly encouraged to discuss your thoughts with your instructor (in office hours) before submitting a synopsis.
Length: 2,000-2,500 words (not counting headers and bibliography).
Final draft
Format: The first page should include the paper title, word count, your name, the date.
Number of references: Minimun 10 in total (3 primary + 7 supporting) For a comparative analysis of the specific topic you choose, use at least 3 main text references (articles in peer reviewed journals or scientific or program reports by reputable organizations, such as the WHO, or US Government reports). These are called your primary references- that your analysis should be based on. In addtiton, use 7 other supporting references (more information below)
Sources: Most of your sources (references) must not be on the syllabus (that means not readings used in the course); valid sources may include the following:
Scholarly, peer reviewed academic books and journals.
Primary sources: historical newspapers, documents, diaries, maps, material sources, etc.
Popular press materials: newspaper and magazine articles (e.g.: New York Times, Washington Post, The Nation, Scientific American, Time, Newsweek), but only use reliable news sources.
Creative arts: literary, visual, dramatic, musical, and electronic arts, etc. You may use these, in addition to text-based sources also.
Web-based resources: You may use web-based resources in addition to other references. Be aware of the range of quality and verifiability of electronic information, and use such information critically.
Citations and bibliography: Be sure to carefully cite all significant ideas and text that you use in your writing when they are not your own. See the statement on Academic Integrity in the syllabus if you are uncertain about when to cite. Cite direct quotes, paraphrases, and ideas from books, readings, or lectures using MLA-style parenthetic citations. All references also must be listed in a bibliography using MLA or APA style.
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