Main task:
You must develop a case study analyzing a real marketing problem situation where existing problem need
to be solved. It should relate the theory to a practical situation;
You must work in a marketing related problem. This problem could be real or if you are struggled to find a real
you can use your imagination.
You can search for a existing case study in the EBSCO, or marketing case pdf thesis in google, or google
Always ask yourself for what the relative academic theory in this case study is.
Find literature for this related problem because you need to present citations and references with the relative
academic theory. For example, Marketing mix, find what is the 4ps etc from different authors.
The total number of the words are 1000 thus you do balance each element bellow with the appropriate
numbers of words
• Synopsis/Executive Summary: this will be done in the end make it as summary of all the elements
• Outline the purpose of the case study: explain what the problem is to be solved
• Identify the theory that will be used: Present the relative theory with citations and references to support
your evidences
• Outline the issues and findings of the case study without the specific details: Just bullet points with the
main findings of the case study
• Summarise the major problem/s: Select some of the issues and findings from the previous element
and develop them in more detail
• Identify alternative solutions to this/these major problem/s: Based always on the relative theory
present the alternative solutions to these problems which must be more than one solution
• Briefly outline each alternative solution and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages: here we need
to develop a critical analysis presenting the advantages and disadvantages of each solution to
support the decision making in the end
• Choose which of the alternative solutions should be adopted: You have to select one of the solutions
with a valid and clear evidence or with a decision-making approach table with weights for each criteria (example attached)
• Briefly justify your choice explaining how it will solve the major problem/s: this is related with the
Your submission must meet the following formatting requirements:
• Submit one file(s) only. Word document
• Font size 12
• Double-spaced
• Number of words: 1000
All refencing and citations require Harvard referencing style.
You must consider the use of theories and models, the flow and progression of their critical analysis,
overall clarity, structure and coherence of their answers.
You will be graded by the capacity to prioritize, synthetize, discuss and evaluate the topic based on
different perspectives
All statements made must be supported by facts, figures and references
All sources of information must be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System
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