This assignment (200 points) comprises two parts: Data Collection and Entering and Data
Analysis and Study Conclusion. Your goal is to discover the positive aspects of the Covid
pandemic, if any, in terms of personal growth of individuals. The measures of personal growth in
this study are derived from three sources:
(a) Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI)
This scale measures five different growth domains: Relating to Others, New Possibilities,
Personal Strength, Spiritual Change, and Appreciation of Life.
Tedeschi, R.G., & Calhoun, L.G. (1996). The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory:
Measuring the positive legacy of trauma. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 9, 455-471.
(b) Nostalgia Scale
The New Oxford Dictionary of English (1998) defines nostalgia as “a sentimental longing
for the past.” Nostalgia is known to evoke a positive mood and to strengthen one’s
social connectedness with persons, places, and events that dwell in memory.
Routledge, C., Arndt, J., Sedikides, C., & Wildschut, T. (2008). A blast from the past:
The terror management function of nostalgia. Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology, 44 (1), 132-40.
(c) Time perspective scale
This scale measures individual differences in time-orientation, or tendency to focus on
different aspects of the past, present, and future.
Zimbardo, P. G. & Boyd, J. N. (1999). Time perspective: A valid, reliable individualdifferences metric. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 77, 1271–1288.
The survey you will use in this assignment is based on terminology and ideas from the foregoing
Part 1: Data Collecting and Entering. (100 points)
Using the attached survey, collect data from three individuals and record their responses in the
Excel template provided. The individuals should be persons who are easily accessible to you and
who agree to participate entirely on a voluntary basis. Important: Be sure to practice social
distancing while collecting data. Do not record any personal identifying information.
In each case, after collecting the data, discuss with the participant how the questions made them
feel about their experiences during the Covid pandemic. What realizations and personal changes
have they had? How have they changed from the persons they were before the pandemics? What
new strengths have they acquired? How have their relationships changed? Their hopes for the
future? Their ability to face setbacks and disappointments? And so on. Encourage them to
expand their answers and listen attentively to their explanations. Jot down observations and ideas
you find particularly interesting or insightful.
Entering data
Use the attached Excel data template.
Part 2: Data Analysis and Study Conclusion. (100 points)
In a Word document, itemize your major findings from the survey results and the one-on-one
discussions with your participants. What general p

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