Essay question: Consider the impact of digital platforms on the music media industries. On balance, have these impacts been positive or negative for those creative people seeking to make a living in these industries?
You are required to demonstrate your own research, including drawing upon contemporary academic literature and concepts discussed in class.
You should use at least one substantial case study to illustrate and support your argument;
Using theoretical concepts from your readings and independent research, you will consider this issue with reference to:
Dominant ideas relating to the issue. How have they been shaped socially and historically? Are these ideas contested and/or id they differ between nations, cultures or social groups?
Dominant interests in the area. Are there major companies involved in this area? Are there issues about how they operate? Are there competing business or other interests (e.g. trade unions, environmental groups, activist groups)? Are the technologies disruptive of an existing industry?
Major governing institutions in the field. Are there government agencies with oversight in this area? Do companies have their own regulatory agencies? How accountable or transparent are the decisions that these groups make?
This assignment should demonstrate:
mastery of the course materials 20 marks
critical analysis that engages with relevant key concepts from the unit and develops an effective and logical argument 20 marks
evidence and examples that support your argument and critically analyse the concepts raised 20 marks
clarity and cohesiveness of argument. 20 marks
presentation (meets word count; accurate citation and referencing; correct spelling, punctuation and grammar). 20 marks
Please note: I have uploaded some necessary reading materials in the attached files. Please make sure you have taken some references from these readings.
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