The Final Term-Paper assignment will be two parts. The first part of your paper will be the introduction of the criminal court process from arraignment to appeal detailing what occurs in each. Additionally, your paper will explain the process of the transition to appeal.
The second part of the paper will review the criminal case of the State of Minnesota vs Mohamed Noor.
Write a summation this case with your opinion identifying the evidence base facts if you agree or disagree with the outcome of the final decision.
The length of the final term paper will be a minimum of 8 pages with a maximum of 10 pages. Additionally, the paper will have a minimum of 1200 words in double-spaced APA or ASA format (including the reference list/worksite page).
Remember, the goal is to make your argument if you agree or disagree with the outcome. The second part of the paper should identify and evaluate problems or a possibility thereof. In general, the clearest papers focus on a narrow set of points with strong evidence. Papers that try to include as much information as possible can easily seem disorganized. For the second part of your paper. Begin with an introductory paragraph and include a thesis statement.

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