For this final cover letter, you will reflect upon your last essay and the term as a whole. Make sure to dedicate time to this reflection. I will read the cover letter and end of term reflections before reading your final draft of essay #3.
Cover Letter
What were the most effective skills and strategies that helped you write this essay?
What aspect of your writing do you feel you have improved the most ?
What changes did you make to your essay based on feedback you received?
What was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished product?
How has writing about this media text deepen your understanding media studies and its concepts?
Based on the rubric, what grade would you give it? Why?
End of Term Reflection
What have you learned about your writing process in this class? What skills and strategies work best for you? What adjustments to your process are necessary as you move on to writing in other classes?
What is your biggest takeaway about your writing skills and areas of improvement?
What did you learn about yourself as a reader this semester?
If you were to retake the course, what would you do the same? Why?
If you were to retake the course, what would you do differently? Why?
What advice would you give to someone who will take this course with me in the future? Why?
Complete the following statement: “I wish my professor knew…”

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