The assignment essay is on a controversial ad. I have chosen the “Show her it’s a man’s world” Van Heusen tie advertisement from 1951. this essay needs to be 1400 words and have a bibliography word cite with at least 3 sources.
here is my teacher’s suggestion:
is the ad you’ve chosen a real ad that was meant to appeal to men of the 50s? If so, then the ad’s goal isn’t to reveal a sexist world or to show how ridiculous the times were. Instead, that ad was intended to argue that men rule the world and women are there to serve. You’d explain how the ad itself conveys these ideas.
However, if you chose an ad that was designed to parody or mock the vintage ads of long ago, then it would have a completely different argument – one that claims how society’s past gender roles and sexual politics were absurd and degrading to women.

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