Concert analysis

Normally, I would require students attend a live, classical music concert this semester. Because live concerts may not be available, you will be required to view YouTube videos of a live concert. Sometimes a concert features three works from three different eras (ex. Baroque, Romantic and 20th century). More commonly, you will need to find a second concert to meet this assignment requirement. It is important to take notes while you are watching the concerts so you can use these notes when writing your concert review.
Student Objectives
After watching the YouTube concert(s), please chose to…
analyze three works from three different eras. These could be solo pieces, chamber pieces, orchestral or vocal works.
analysis the three works following the rubric below, using notes taken while viewing the concert(s).
complete an analysis and comparison of the form and features of the three works (see outline below).
use terminology you have learned in the course but also describe the works in your own words.
use quotes and citations when necessary.
write a comprehensive report following the rubric below.
Before you begin, please review the writing tips found in Putting Music Into Words chapters and the guidelines and sample report in Appendix III: Reporting on the Concert Experience in your textbook.
A good concert report will meet all of the criteria below:
The formatting is organized and easy to follow.
Uses musical terminology correctly.
Shows understanding of concepts.
Shows understanding of the different elements of music (melody, meter, harmony, form, dynamics, tempo, instrumentation).
Shows an understanding that elements change as a piece progresses.
Discusses works and movements from the concert, recognizing differences in styles.
Includes information about the work from lecture/book/program notes.
Includes your own personal observations.
This example of a student’s Concert Report is an excellent example of my preferred format, style and content for the General Descriptions and Listening Descriptions. This paper does not include a Compare and Contrast page or required one-page Conclusion.
Example Concert Report (4) (1)-1.pdf
Music 2 Concert Review Grading Rubric
PDF Concert Review Worksheet if needed for the General Descriptions and Listening Descriptions.
Choose three works (solo pieces, chamber pieces or orchestral works) from three different eras. Choose from among works performed at a concert or concerts you attended or watched on Youtube. Again, you may need to attend a second concert to listen to three works if you cannot find one concert that features three works from three different eras.
Name of concert
Time and date of concert
Write an Introductory paragraph presenting your theme or focus.
Title of each piece
Name and dates of each composer (ie. John Doe (1952—2010)
Time Periods of each piece: Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th c and 21st c.
Larger form or genre: chamber music, art song, opera, symphony, ballet, etc.
Name of ensemble or artist(s) who performed the pieces you listened to.
Listen to each piece. Write a detailed, narrative summary of each composition using terminology learned in class discussing all of the musical elements below.
Melody: congruent, disjunct, wide, narrow, diatonic, chromatic, 12-tone, etc.
Rhythm: use of rhythm both stylistic and as a compositional element
Texture: monophony, polyphony, homophony, etc.
Timbre: tone qualities of vocal and instrumental forces
Form: detailed discussion of smaller structures of movements and larger forms
IV. COMPARE AND CONTRAST – 20 pts (use your own observations and words)
Write at least one full page comparing and contrasting the form and features of the three pieces.
How do they compare thematically, instrumentally, stylistically or compositionally?
Provide specific details and examples using terminology studied in this course.
Cite sources in the compositions to illustrate your perceptions. Remember this is a scholarly paper and must be written in the third person unless you are stating your own opinion.
Write a one-page conclusion that sums up your research findings.
Explain how you have proven there is a common theme, style, instrumentation or form among all three pieces from different eras.
List the recordings and performers you listened to
List at least three required scholarly sources.
List all the research materials you have used to complete this research assignment.
Be sure to use correct MLA citation format.
NOTE: Scholarly online sources are allowed. However, they must be from a book, peer reviewed journal or article by qualified individuals. Do not use Wikipedia or your textbook as cited sources. These online platforms are good starting points only. List all the research materials you have used to complete this research assignment.
Follows directions listed above.
Written in the 3rd person except when expressing your own opinion.
Five page minimum (Five full pages). This does not include the Reference page.
MLA format (Consult writing style manual for formatting).
Three scholarly sources minimum. Only use Wikipedia and the textbook as starting points for research.
Cite sources correctly on an additional Reference page. List recordings and artists you listened to and all scholarly sources you examined.
Include the URL of the Youtube videos you observed. If you attend a live concert, attach program and/or ticket stub for the concert(s) you attended.

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