The course textbook discusses a number of democratic governments with distinct constitutions, including France and the United Kingdom. Discuss how each of these countries (France and the UK) selects their national leaders, particularly the head of government, head of state (if separate), and the legislature. How are the features of each government distinct from one another, and what advantages and disadvantages do you see with each system. Overall, which system do you see as better, and why?
Your paper should be roughly four to five double-spaced pages in length (roughly 1,000 to 1,500 words), and it is worth 200 points. Be sure to give citations for all sources you quote or use in a substantive way (including any on-line sources you may use), with a reference page at the end using either MLA or Chicago formatting. Try to organize your answer well, with both introductory and concluding paragraphs indicating the overall direction of the paper, and the general argument that you are making.
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