clinical practice

For this project, I would like you to read through the following case vignette. I would like you to analyze the case and think about how you would work with the client in a counseling capacity. Think about how you would approach the case theoretically as well as what specific microskills you would use.
“Terry is a 28 year old single, African-American male. He is a government employee and was referred by his family physician for evaluation. He reports a 3 month history of worsening anxiety that is especially bad early in the morning. In describing this anxiety, Terry stated “I wake up at 3 in the morning and I can’t get back to sleep. My thoughts torment me.” He also reports decreased energy, inability to concentrate at his job, decreased appetite with a 10 pound weight loss, and suicidal ideation. “I feel so hopeless that suicide seems like an option.” When asked to expand on his emotions, Terry reported feeling confused by his emotions and frustrated that he couldn’t describe how he feels. He also states, “There is nothing in my life that I enjoy. There just doesn’t seem to be any meaning in my life.” He also indicated that he is highly dissatisfied with his lack of social relationships. Terry commented “People just don’t want to be around me. They walk all over me. I must make them hate me. I guess I am just a worthless piece of crap.” Terry also described a difficult relationship with his family. He reported that he feels “persecuted” by his family and that they argue frequently. He described a particularly difficult relationship with his father. Terry is tearful during evaluation. He lacks animation and his mood is quite depressed. He rarely makes eye contact with the interviewer. A thorough mental status exam revealed slowed thinking and no evidence of psychosis.
Terry reports experiencing two previous depressive periods, one in late adolescence and another during his senior year in college. During the latter episode, his symptoms were severe enough that he was unable to attend classes. “I almost failed that semester. I just did not see the point in going.” Both depressive episodes remitted in a few months without treatment; he “felt like normal” during remission. He denies drug abuse or use and has no medical problems. His family history is positive for depression in a paternal grandfather, and in his father, and he reports that a depressed uncle committed suicide about 10 years ago.”
I would like you to write a 6-8 page, typed, double spaced paper describing your theoretical approach with the client. In this discussion, please include information about the theory and empirical evidence that the theory works. In addition, I want you to discuss what specific skills that we talked about this semester that you feel would be important to use with this client and why you would want to use them. Think of this paper as a way to apply the theories and skills that you learned this semester to an actual client.

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