I have enclosed the PowerPoint outline.
Create a PowerPoint presentation about your experience working with your client. Record a 10-minute video presentation using your PowerPoint. Submit both the PowerPoint presentation and the video presentation.
*Please maintain your client’s confidentiality*
Required PowerPoint sections:
-Medical & Health History/coronary risk factor assessment
-Needs Analysis (what health-related fitness components were lacking?)
-Results of Goal Setting interview (3 months goals, strategies, etc.)
-Fitness assessment results including fitness classifications for each assessment (use norm-referenced standards)
-General overview of program design
-References section (at least three required)
Final Project Sections Unit Assignments
Background Client interviews, and medical history
Medical and Health History/Coronary Risk Factor
Assessment Unit 2: AS1
Needs Analysis (what health-related fitness
components were lacking?) Unit 2: AS1 & AS2
Results of Goal Setting Interview (3 months goals,
strategies etc.) Unit 3: AS1 & AS2
Fitness Assessment Results (including fitness
classifications for each assessment;
use norm-referenced standards) Unit 5: AS1 & AS3; Unit 8: AS1 (combines Units 6-8)
General Overview of Program Design Unit 12 (AS1)
References Section (at least 3 required)
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